Introducing the second generation of GREEN ECO Rev3.1 series economic power supplies
The increase in currency prices in recent times has had a very noticeable effect on the price of personal computer hardware parts. This has caused the purchasing power to decrease significantly, especially among customers of low-end and cheap systems. One of the most essential and at the same time the most sensitive parts of desktop computers is without a doubt the power supply. In the first place, a non-standard power supply greatly reduces the life of the parts, and in worse conditions, it may cause instability and even damage the expensive parts of the system.
The marketing and sales team of Green Planet Sanat Campus, after carefully observing the gap in the market of economic and cheap power supplies in Green's product portfolio, transferred this issue to the technical and research and development (R&D) unit, and after several months of testing and investigation Considering the best price-to-performance ratio, various samples were introduced and launched on the market, the optimized and extremely affordable and economical ECO series. Now, after a few months and due to the very high reception of this affordable series, the second generation of these power supplies with more features, more varied power range and most importantly cheaper price will be launched.
As mentioned, the main feature of this series is their extraordinary ratio of efficiency to price. In fact, this market series targets those users who, even with a limited budget, intend to buy a standard power with warranty and reliable after-sales service. The second generation of ECO Powers with the commercial model ECO Rev3.1 will be released in the first phase with the actual output power range of 300/350/400W and in the second phase (in the next few months) 450W and 500W models will be added to this family. .
In the following, we will introduce the most important features of this series.
Equipped with power factor correction circuit (Active PFC)
With the existence of many non-linear elements in switching power supplies, the need to install power factor correction (PFC) systems, in addition to reducing energy consumption losses, also reduces the user's electricity costs. Meanwhile, most of the cheap power supplies in the market do not have this part.
Efficiency of energy consumption up to 85%
Having high-quality parts and materials along with the Forward topology and the fully automatic manufacturing and quality control process has increased the efficiency of this series to a maximum of 85% in accordance with the 80PLUS Standard for this series. This has reduced energy consumption losses, heat reduction and the result of completely silent operation of this series. This is despite the fact that most similar power supplies in this price range have an energy consumption efficiency of less than 80%.
Has ERP 2013 standard
As long as they are connected to the city electricity, switching power supplies always consume a small amount of electricity even when they are turned off due to the existence of the 5V Standby+ circuit. In power supplies equipped with a standby circuit with controlled and modern consumption, this amount is much lower. ECO series power supplies in this condition consume less than 0.4W, which is unique in its kind in this price range.
Durable and class 1 capacitors made by SamXon company
A high-quality capacitor always plays a decisive role in increasing the life and voltage stability of the output branches. Green ECO series power supplies are equipped with 85C models in the input section and with the quality of the well-known SamXon company, and 105C models in the output section.
Stable performance even at an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius
Optimized design and high-quality materials and components have made the new generation of ECO Green series power supplies even at an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius able to provide their rated power in a completely stable and guaranteed way.
Hold-Up Time about 12ms at 100% load
Having a high-quality input capacitor (Bulk) with suitable capacity in the new generation of ECO Powers has made the hold-up time to be around 12ms even at the maximum output power. This amount of interruption tolerance has ensured the guaranteed performance of this series in unstable city electricity conditions and has provided the compatibility of slow-performing UPSs with ECO series power supplies.
Super quiet thanks to the smart fan controller
Thanks to the super smart fan controller intended for the new generation of new ECO power supplies, the sound noise of these models is very low up to about 70% to 80% of the power rating and in this range practically no sound from the power fan will reach the user's ears.
Equipped with a two-stage EMI filter in the input section
Thanks to two-stage and complete filtering in the input section of the new generation of ECO series power supplies, the EMI/RFI carriers created by MOSFETs and switches in the input section will not penetrate the city's power transmission and distribution network under any circumstances. Also, due to the two pieces of NTC Thermistor and MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) embedded in this section, the ECO series power supplies are insured against inrush currents and severe city voltage spikes.
View other features and full technical specifications of green ECO Rev3.1 series power supplies |